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3 Surefire Ways to Protect Your ATM Network

Written by ATM Marketplace | May 24, 2017

In this featured article, our Director of Product Marketing, Steve Gilde, outlines three key considerations for financial services providers to protect their ATM networks.

ATMs have always been alluring to criminals, as these machines can hold as much as $100,000 to $200,000 in cash at any given time. A successful ATM breach can be 10 times more lucrative than a bank robbery, according to the American Bankers Association. Such a temptation can be hard for a thief to resist.

A physical ATM attack is extremely arduous. It takes several individuals to lift the average ATM and intricate planning to work out the logistics of transporting it. If criminals do succeed in moing the machine, they must then determine how to break into it and access the money, which often involves an explosion.